I started learning JavaScript a few years back and at first, I didn’t like the language. It seemed like there was too much theory to understand before one could really understand JavaScript enough to build decent projects.
So, I got discouraged and left it.
But a few months later, I heard someone say that the best way to learn JavaScript is to first learn the fundamentals and then, start building projects.
I decided to try this approach to learning JavaScript.
Initially, it was hard because I didn’t yet know how to think like a programmer and break problems into small pieces, but after a while, I started to gain clarity with JavaScript
Since then I have built 100’s of projects with JavaScript.
Here is a list of JavaScript Projects you can build:
1. Counter App
2. Random Hex Color Generator
3. Random Number Generator
4. Modal/Popup
5. Palindrome Checker
6. Vowel Counter App
7. Click to Copy
8. Google Drive Download Link Generator
9. Weather App
10. Input Field Character Counter
11. Lyrics Search App
12. Internet Connection Status Detector
13. Quiz App
14. Music player
15. HTTP Request Project
16. Random Quote Generator
17. List Search Project
18. Date Countdown
19. Time Countdown
20. Tip Calculator
21. Smooth Scroll Effect
22. Sticky Nav Bar on Scroll
23. Active Menu Switcher
24. Responsive Mobile Menu
25. Responsive Mobile Menu with Submenu
26. Page Scroll Indicator
27. Newsletter Form on Scroll
28. Password Generator
29. Simple ToDo App
30. Todo App with Local Storage
31. Notes App
32. BMI Calculator
33. Calculator
34. Digital Clock
35. Weight Converter
36. Temperature Converter
37. Running Game
38. Word Count Tool
39. Accordion
40. Async Await — Random Joke Generator
41. Speech to text app
42. GitHub Profile Search App
43. Wikipedia Search App
44. Image Slider
45. Lyrics App
46. Product Filter
47. Product Carousel Slider
48. Vertical Tabs
49. Count Up App
50. Form Validation
These are some projects you can try out.
I created a course titled 100 Days of JavaScript that can help you sharpen your JavaScript skills by building a project everyday for 100Days.
Feel free to check it here — 100 Days of JavaScript